Well yesterday was Halloween, and Jasper has been looking forward to it for about 4 weeks! Every morning he wants to know how long til Trick or Treat..
He even has the song down pat..
Here is the video of it.. (click on the PLAY twice)
He thinks it is so funny, but knows not to say it to people, it is just something funny we do to get ready for knocking on doors!
Nice face paint job, hey?!?! Maybe not but they are only 5 so it was ok!
We went with one of his best mates, Liam.. here are some pics of how they looked.
(Believe it or not, Liam is only one day older than Jasper... It is hard to get close up with both of them on the same photo.
They got a lot of candy.. Trick or Treat is not that big in Australia, and there were heaps of people not answering the door, or just with just no candy, but that is not what we do it for, it is for the fun (and the scaring), and that it was!!
We didn't get home til 8.30pm - Jasper's bed time is 7pm, so you can imagine just how tired he was!!
He was still up at 6.30 am though!
He was allowed 2 bits of candy after the door knock, and suprisingly he was ok with that!
Medically, Jasper has had an ENT appointment this week (ear nose and throat) to retest his hearing. It is slightly improved from 6 months ago, but still borderline "mild" hearing loss. I am not suprised that it was an improvement. Last time he was tested was really close to an ear infection. We will go back for another test in 6 months time. It is just monitoring it to see if it gets worse.. fingers crossed it does not!
The dentist is the next thing we have, so not very exciting. I will post again soon.
Thanks for reading, and we hope everyone had a Happy Halloweeeeeeeeen!!!