Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas 2009

Well, it is Christmas Day again.. as I am sure many people think, "where has the year gone??" I cannot believe it is nearly 2010.

We have had a lovely day today. It started yesterday, on Christmas Eve. Paul was at work til that night, but home in time for dinner.
After dinner, but before bed, we have a tradition for Jasper to be allowed to open one gift that we have got for him.
Here is a snap of him opening that gift.. Paul was teasing him about it and trying to stop him - hence the laughing face!

Earlier that day, we had to stop at the shop to get a few last minute things for dinner, and Santa was there - AGAIN!!
He was more than happy to pose for a photo - AGAIN with Jasper. If Santa was in any doubt about who Jasper was before this festive, he was under NO illusion this time. We saw Santa everywhere we went.

Before the shops (I am totally backward here), Jasper and I decided to escape the house and have lunch at the beach.. here he is running around in his underpants in the water..
Christmas Eve, Australian Style!

Christmas Day we went to my parents house. My uncle, aunt and 2 cousins were there, as well as my sister, her husband and their 3 kids. With the 4 of us (Paul, Brent, Jasper and I), we made a group of 15.

Here are Greg and Marlene cooking in the kitchen

Jasper with his cousin, Campbell.

When we have Christmas at mum and dad's with all the grand kids there, dad organises a gingerbread house for the kids to demolish. Here are Jasper and Campbell mid-destruction!

Campbell REALLY enjoyed the gingerbread house!

After a while from lunch, it was time for a swim. We have just started getting Jasper to wear earplugs when ever he is in a pool, as he has such narrow ear canals, and gets agonising ear infections.. he asked for a swimming cap and Santa provided one in his stocking. He looked too cute!!!

Here is some more fun and frivolity in the pool.. Jasper ended up shivering and shaking... I guess that happens when you basically have no body fat on you!!

Here is my dad with my cousin, Tashi. There were threats and violence happening - all in good fun!

Speedy Gonzales running on the hot paving...

This is my mum with my eldest niece, Georgia.
My other cousin Sarah with Jasper after a swim...

I told my mum and dad to look like they love each other... I dont think they were pretending!! Next March they celebrate 39 years of marriage!

After swimming, it was time for some more food (in case we had some room from all the food at lunch...)
... and then it was time for the traditional game of cricket! Well, some of the ladies piked it for a rest... yes, mum, Marls and Sarah, I am talking about you!!! The rest of us soldiered on in the beautiful sunshine for some great shots that ended up with tennis balls being hit all over the neighbourhood (GO TASHI!!!)

Jasper was about ready to collapse after all this, and got a bit cranky when it was time to go home. He has not had a sleep, and it is now well past his bed time (he was up and going at 5:30 this morning - seriously, who can sleep when Santa has visited!?!?)
He got thouroughly spoilt and we all had a lovely day. Tomorrow is it off down south for the day so the boys (Paul and his cronies) can play golf and the ladies (wifes of this cronies) and kids (and grandkids of before-mentioned cronies) can chatter and swim.. should be nice.
It is all over for another year, and it was a great one this year,
Hope it was good for everyone else too!
Next year is a big one for us, with the baby coming and Jasper being in Year One... Be prepared for updates!!!
I will post "bump" pics soon...
Thanks for reading.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Here I am again.

So much has been happening, now I just need to remember to post it all!!!

School holidays have started for Christmas for Jasper.

I have just resigned from my job so I can be at home for the holidays, and for the appointments Jasper and I both have coming up.

We have both been a bit sick, Jasper has had both ears really infected and was in a lot of pain. After a week, it seems to be getting better. We are starting the 7 weeks of vacation time off quietly at home just recovering and getting back to normal - then the fun will start!!!

Things with the pregnancy are tracking well. Our baby GIRL (as we found out just over a week ago) is just over normal size, and beats the crap out of me most days and nights!!! (normally I am just getting to sleep, then she decides the party now needs to start....) Just imagine what the next half of the pregnancy holds if she is like this already!!!

Jasper and I started the nursery yesterday. Patching the walls, washing the walls, and today comes the sanding. Then the painting!!!

Jasper is really excited and kisses my tummy a lot! He felt his sister move for the first time, and was amazed!!! he knows it is real now, and is getting excited.

Japser had a school concert at the end of the year. He was one of the Wise Men. This is a kid that gets SEVERE stage fright, and HATES people looking at him. Paul and I were a bit nervous how he would go. I bribed him with a trip to see Santa the next day if he did good.

Suprisingly he did what he needed to do, and sang all the songs with the other kids. He did not do the dance moves, but sang and participated really well! We were really proud of him.

We don't have any blood tests etc until April next year. We have progressed to 6 monthly blood tests now, so one in October, then one in April with his annual bone marrow biopsy.

We are all prepared for Christmas - well, except the food. We are having it at my mum and dad's place. It is expected to be over 40C (over 104F) on the day, so having my folks with a pool is GREAT!

All the gifts are sorted, and I just need to make a dessert and salad, then we sit back and wait for Santa!!! He get's off light at our place. Jasper knows he is only allowed to ask for one or 2 things, and nothing major (like the PSP, DS or iPod he wants to be like his friends - he is only 6 for goodness sakes!!). If he asks for too much, it means that other kids will miss out, and that is not fair. This year he is asking for a 2 wheel scooter (to replace the 3 wheel one he has had for a while), and some lego. Santa seems to think this is reasonable, and we are just waiting to see what happens on the big day.

Christmas Eve is our 10 year wedding anniversary. I cannot believe we have been married for 1o years. It seems like not so long ago... I remember it all clearly!!!

Lucky for us, Christmas is on a weekend, so Paul is home. He flies in from the mines on Christmas Eve, so we can have a nice dinner together at home before an early night.

So off for more school holiday fun.. lucky that Jasper is young enough that a trip to the park is a fun day out for him, and a fun and cheap day for me! The weather has been nice, so some beach time is in order.

Thanks for reading. Christmas pics next time!


Friday, October 9, 2009

Lots of News

I have only just realised how long it has been since I posted, and now that I am... there aare 2 important pieces of news to report!

First and foremost, we have been told of Jasper's complementation group with Fanconi Anemia. He is what they call FANC-I. It is one of the rarer groups, and we join our friend Wesley as an "I" group member.

We are not sure what it means yet, and not sure if anyone else really does either, but at least we know now... we were going to use if for IVF/PGD... which brings me to our next news...

We are having a baby!!!

The day after we found out that Jasper was FANC-I, I discovered I was pregnant. It is very exciting and scary at the same time. We have a 25% chance of another FA baby, so there is testing etc to be done.

I will keep this site updated as details come to hand...

The funny thing is that the baby was conceived at Camp Sunshine in America this year... Gives a whole new meaning to the "Go Camp Sunshine" chant we do!!!

The baby is due at the end of April, so we are hoping for a cord blood match for Jasper that we can store for if and when we need it!

I think I will leave the news there for now.. they are the 2 most important things that we wanted to share.

Thank for reading!!


Brooke, Paul and Jasper

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Camp Sunshine 2009

Here is the Camp Sunshine update for 2009..

There are so many photos to choose from, plus some photos from before camp... well, it is to be expected... I can get trigger happy with the camera from time to time!!

In case anyone has forgotten from the previous post, we got to go blueberry picking in Maine... here are some of the potential victims...


Ok, so onto proper stuff!! We played some mini golf - big suprise! Jasper and Paul play, and I take the photos and keep score! Jasper won this game - with the highest score!!

We went out one day to Portland, and went to the Children's Museum. It is very interactive and hands on. Jasper loved it, and here he is dressed as a fireman with the hose. there is a replica of a truck there that the kids can go in and sound the siren!

Back at home, Jasper has been getting into rollerskating.. we were looking to get some, and realised that Wal-Mart was super cheap, so we ordered him some. here are some shots of him on the skates for the first time at Doreens house...

The night before Camp started, we went to another FA family home for a BBQ. there were 5 FA families there, and TOO MANY kids to count!! no, wait there were 14 I think, plus 9 adults. It was not as crazy as it sounds - we were all on our best behaviour.

Here is Jasper with his new buddy, Wesley. Wesley and Jasper are the same age, and both have FA. I think I posted about this in the last entry... they are too cute together, and just as cheeky and funny as each other! Watch out ladies, 2 smooth talking cuties on the way!!

There is a State drink in Maine, and it is called Moxie. It tastes like Dr. Pepper - and totally gross. Jasper and Paul liked it!

Here is the gorgeous Wesley, and his equally gorgeous mom, Kristin.

Here is my delightful Doreen, and her man, Shawn.

Jasper and his American Girl, Jordan. Jordan has FA too, and is 11 years old. She is beautiful and sweet.

Here we have the FA kids from the BBQ at Kristin and Sean's house.

Back - Left to Right - Cameron, Wesley, Jordan, Jasper.

Front - Left to Right - Jorja, Julia (twins).

Here are Wes and Jas muck-arseing around not long before we left - that is Sean, Wesley's dad in the background.

First day of Camp.. we had a top story room, and once we got our suitcases in the room (with the wonderful help of some volunteers), Jasper was out the front blowing bubbles to people underneath us.

We went in search of Doreen's room, and found Wesley on our journey!! it was a lovely reunion from the night before!

Paul suprised us with a brick on the path. You can donate money to Camp Sunshine and get a brink laid on the path to be there for always. Paul got it done for Jasper's birthday, and it was a big suprise for us!

Now Jasper owns a part of Camp Sunshine forever!

There is always a balloon release ceremony where balloons get released to remember those that have passed, and to send up messages of hope. This is Jaspers balloon. It is a beautiful sight to see so many balloons released at the same time.

There is also a masquarade party one night where you get into a costume and dance the night away. Jasper always manages to get dressed up, but we never make it late into the night. the days are so jam-packed, that by the time 8pm comes, he is pretty much comatose! This was him at the start of the night.

One of the German fathers, Ralf and a German doctor - Eunike, come every year and Jasper gets his mouth swabbed for research - early detection of mouth cancer. We love to go, as Ralf always brings German chocolate for us as a bribe to be part of the study... no bribe needed, but Jasper loves the chocolate all the same... as do all the kids (and the parents!!!).

Eaxh family at Camp gerts a family portrait done, and we had the photographer take our shot with our camera also..

jasper practicing roller skating at Camp. he had a rollerskate date with Emily, a 17 year old who's brother has FA. Emily has called Jas her Australian boyfriend since they met 3 years ago... The first year, Jasper spent hiding from her, last year he spent poking his tounge out, and this year it was love!!

At the adults dinner - Kristin and Doreen... Love you ladies!!

Jas and I at the wish boat ceremony. The kids make a boat, and there is a little pond.. they have a candle that get lit, a string on the boat they hold onto it while it floats in the water, they make a wish and bring the boat back in - blow out the candle and the wish comes true!!

jasper wished that Jordan (Doreen's eldest girl, his American girlfriend) could be a part of our family. I nearly cried, it was so sweet!! he loves her so much!

Some fishermen came on their super cool boats to take the kids fishing.. here is Jasper with his mate Lucas coming back in. Jasper caught 2 little fish, got to drive the boat, and had an awesome time!~!

they have a celebration night, and here is a shot of the volunteers on stage - it was FULL!!

Jasper with his favourite volunteer, Matt.

...and smooching up to another volunteer, Hillary.

then I let Jasper take some photos... Here is Peter.. We met Peter our first year at Camp - 2007. he works in the kitchen. Jasper called him Peter Parker or Peter Pan.

He was not there last year, but we saw him this year on our first day, and he came straight up to jasper and started talking to him - it was so sweet he remembered us!!

Jasper shot of Peter, Andy and Joel, with another volunteer.

So, our flight leaves tonight USA time, and we land in about 27 hours in Perth.. I am not looking forward to the flight, but am looking forward to getting home.

Thanks for reading.



Monday, August 17, 2009

USA 2009 - Volume 2!

Ok, so I wont do my post on Camp Sunshine here, as it is going to be big enough with all the photos I have to add and update on.

We are still in America, and fly out tomorrow, so I thought it was a good time to update!

From the last post, we were at our friend Doreen's house, wiht her 5 kids. It was a madhouse, and a lot of fun!

We had a nice relaxing time, and did not much of anything. It was nice to just spend time together, and relax.

One of the things we did do, was go blueberry picking. It was heaps of fun!

Doreen had sprained her ankle on our first night there, and it was pretty bad, so we left her and her eldest son, James behind, and took her other 4 kids, plus Jasper, Paul and I.

It was raining and really muddy, and heaps of fun!!

Here we are treking through...

The middle photo is Jordan - Doreens eldest girl (11), and on the far right is Jasper - totally in his element - mud, rain and blueberries!!

So from Rear Left = Jordan, Jacob

from Front Left = Jasper, Jorja, Julia

(notice the pattern of the names???)

I made a most delicious pie (even if I do say so myself!!), and we ate more than we picked!!! It was awesome and we loved it!!

Then we had Camp Sunshine - I will post on that soon,,, after we went back to Doreens for 2 nights, and on the Thursday afternoon, we had another FA family come to catch up and have a play... the Ice Cream Truck went past, and as the 3 mums called out "get off the road, kids - no icecream for you", Paul walks out of the house waving money and it was a bit like the Pied Piper!!

Here are the munchkins eating away -

Kristin (another FA mum) is back left, Doreen is back right, Wesley is front left, then it looks like Jorja, Jacob, Quinn, and Julia.

jasper was floating around somewhere, and the older kids were hanging out inside!

There were some interesting colours happening on the tounges...

Jorja (FA)

Julia (twin with Jorja) (FA)

Jacob (brother to the twins, Jordan and James)

Quinn (sister to Wesley)

Wesley (FA)

Jasper (FA)

Japser had a fall at Camp, and had a big scratch above his eye - here is a close up of the black eye that started to develop nearly 1 week after the accident...

When nature calls....

Doreen did say this was ok - and what sort of mother would I be to let the opportunity go when I am standing right there with the camera?!?!

Jasper and Wesley playing ball outside.

This was a very serious conversation between Wes and Jas about some grass seeds..

you are not mistaken.. Jasper is wearing his undies.. he did not want to go swimming, but did not want to get his icypole on his clothes...

That day was Kristins birthday, and she invited us all out to dinner with her family. Doreen and the kids could not come, but here is Jasper with Quinn and Collin (Wesleys siblings) playing on the iPod touch.. it kept them quiet and entertained when we wanted to chat after eating!

Here is Wesley with his parents, Kristin and Sean.

Our boys... they are so cute together!!! They are both 6, both about the same height and weight, and play nicely together - most of the time!! I think they could almost be brothers looking at this shot!!

Our first stop after leaving Doreen's house was.... SALEM, MA..
It was really pretty and not so spooky. You can do the spooky things if you want to, but we did not, and it was a really nice time.

Here I am in my "natural state" - witch brooke!!

At lunch, Jasper ordered a Root Beer - it looks like he is drinking a real beer!! We took this one for Jasper's Poppie!!

The place we had lunch was called In A Pig's Eye. The boys that Paul does bowling with call him Pig, so we HAD to eat there!!!
Here I am with my witchey friend on a street somewhere in Salem!!

It was REALLY hot, so we stopped for icecream.. Jasper had Orange Sherbert (tasted just like it!) and I had Maine Black Bear flavour (raspberry with raspberry truffles in it - totally delicious!!)

It was as big as his head!!

We met a really nice lady at one of the t-shirt stands. We stopped for a chat, and she gave Paul and I 2 t-shirts for free. Mine matched one that we had bought for Jasper, and so Jas wanted to have a photo of us as matching twins!!

The next day we went to Plymouth to see Plymouth Rock. It was suprisingly small, compared to what I was thinking, but they had a man there who said it used to be 3 times this size, but with all the souveniers that people have taken, and pieces that have been donated to museums etc, well it is as big as it is now!
It was a good history lesson for all of us!

Here are Jasper and I at the sign that says Plymouth Rock etc

Jasper and his daddy at the same sign

We went to Plymouth on our way to Cape Cod. I was expecting more from the Cape, and was a bit disappointed... we went to the ZooQuarium, which is just as it sounds, a zoo and an aquarium! It was pretty small, but interesting all the same.

Here is Jasper at the Aquaruim part of the park, there were some big fish behind him.

I wondered who ever looked at this bird and thought "I might try to eat that" had a wicked sense of humour - but I am sure glad they tried this - DINNER!!!

Jasper at Pirate Mini-Golf

We went to a water park today on our way to Connecticut called Water Wizz. We could not take cameras in at all as they were shooting a new Adam Sandler film there. Before you ask, we did not see anyone famous!!
Our holiday officially ends tomorrow, we fly out at 7.10pm. We are planning on going to the beach tomorrow, and so should be sufficiently tanned (not Jasper - he will be coated in sun block!!) to come home brown and warm.

We are going to miss our FAmily, and are so appreciative to Doreen and her kids (my 5 J-babies) for putting up with us, we love you guys, and are so lucky to have met you 3 years ago, and to be good friends.
To Kristin and Sean, we love you and your family, and look forward to spending more time with you next year, deciphering the strange english language we all speak but struggle to understand!
To our other FAmily, we love you all, and had a great time meeting you all again at Camp Sunshine - Until 2010!!
I am looking forward to getting home - I miss my mum and dad - as does Jasper.
He is ready to get home, so it is good timing!!
Love to all, and to all a good night!
Thanks for reading.