Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas 2009

Well, it is Christmas Day again.. as I am sure many people think, "where has the year gone??" I cannot believe it is nearly 2010.

We have had a lovely day today. It started yesterday, on Christmas Eve. Paul was at work til that night, but home in time for dinner.
After dinner, but before bed, we have a tradition for Jasper to be allowed to open one gift that we have got for him.
Here is a snap of him opening that gift.. Paul was teasing him about it and trying to stop him - hence the laughing face!

Earlier that day, we had to stop at the shop to get a few last minute things for dinner, and Santa was there - AGAIN!!
He was more than happy to pose for a photo - AGAIN with Jasper. If Santa was in any doubt about who Jasper was before this festive, he was under NO illusion this time. We saw Santa everywhere we went.

Before the shops (I am totally backward here), Jasper and I decided to escape the house and have lunch at the beach.. here he is running around in his underpants in the water..
Christmas Eve, Australian Style!

Christmas Day we went to my parents house. My uncle, aunt and 2 cousins were there, as well as my sister, her husband and their 3 kids. With the 4 of us (Paul, Brent, Jasper and I), we made a group of 15.

Here are Greg and Marlene cooking in the kitchen

Jasper with his cousin, Campbell.

When we have Christmas at mum and dad's with all the grand kids there, dad organises a gingerbread house for the kids to demolish. Here are Jasper and Campbell mid-destruction!

Campbell REALLY enjoyed the gingerbread house!

After a while from lunch, it was time for a swim. We have just started getting Jasper to wear earplugs when ever he is in a pool, as he has such narrow ear canals, and gets agonising ear infections.. he asked for a swimming cap and Santa provided one in his stocking. He looked too cute!!!

Here is some more fun and frivolity in the pool.. Jasper ended up shivering and shaking... I guess that happens when you basically have no body fat on you!!

Here is my dad with my cousin, Tashi. There were threats and violence happening - all in good fun!

Speedy Gonzales running on the hot paving...

This is my mum with my eldest niece, Georgia.
My other cousin Sarah with Jasper after a swim...

I told my mum and dad to look like they love each other... I dont think they were pretending!! Next March they celebrate 39 years of marriage!

After swimming, it was time for some more food (in case we had some room from all the food at lunch...)
... and then it was time for the traditional game of cricket! Well, some of the ladies piked it for a rest... yes, mum, Marls and Sarah, I am talking about you!!! The rest of us soldiered on in the beautiful sunshine for some great shots that ended up with tennis balls being hit all over the neighbourhood (GO TASHI!!!)

Jasper was about ready to collapse after all this, and got a bit cranky when it was time to go home. He has not had a sleep, and it is now well past his bed time (he was up and going at 5:30 this morning - seriously, who can sleep when Santa has visited!?!?)
He got thouroughly spoilt and we all had a lovely day. Tomorrow is it off down south for the day so the boys (Paul and his cronies) can play golf and the ladies (wifes of this cronies) and kids (and grandkids of before-mentioned cronies) can chatter and swim.. should be nice.
It is all over for another year, and it was a great one this year,
Hope it was good for everyone else too!
Next year is a big one for us, with the baby coming and Jasper being in Year One... Be prepared for updates!!!
I will post "bump" pics soon...
Thanks for reading.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Here I am again.

So much has been happening, now I just need to remember to post it all!!!

School holidays have started for Christmas for Jasper.

I have just resigned from my job so I can be at home for the holidays, and for the appointments Jasper and I both have coming up.

We have both been a bit sick, Jasper has had both ears really infected and was in a lot of pain. After a week, it seems to be getting better. We are starting the 7 weeks of vacation time off quietly at home just recovering and getting back to normal - then the fun will start!!!

Things with the pregnancy are tracking well. Our baby GIRL (as we found out just over a week ago) is just over normal size, and beats the crap out of me most days and nights!!! (normally I am just getting to sleep, then she decides the party now needs to start....) Just imagine what the next half of the pregnancy holds if she is like this already!!!

Jasper and I started the nursery yesterday. Patching the walls, washing the walls, and today comes the sanding. Then the painting!!!

Jasper is really excited and kisses my tummy a lot! He felt his sister move for the first time, and was amazed!!! he knows it is real now, and is getting excited.

Japser had a school concert at the end of the year. He was one of the Wise Men. This is a kid that gets SEVERE stage fright, and HATES people looking at him. Paul and I were a bit nervous how he would go. I bribed him with a trip to see Santa the next day if he did good.

Suprisingly he did what he needed to do, and sang all the songs with the other kids. He did not do the dance moves, but sang and participated really well! We were really proud of him.

We don't have any blood tests etc until April next year. We have progressed to 6 monthly blood tests now, so one in October, then one in April with his annual bone marrow biopsy.

We are all prepared for Christmas - well, except the food. We are having it at my mum and dad's place. It is expected to be over 40C (over 104F) on the day, so having my folks with a pool is GREAT!

All the gifts are sorted, and I just need to make a dessert and salad, then we sit back and wait for Santa!!! He get's off light at our place. Jasper knows he is only allowed to ask for one or 2 things, and nothing major (like the PSP, DS or iPod he wants to be like his friends - he is only 6 for goodness sakes!!). If he asks for too much, it means that other kids will miss out, and that is not fair. This year he is asking for a 2 wheel scooter (to replace the 3 wheel one he has had for a while), and some lego. Santa seems to think this is reasonable, and we are just waiting to see what happens on the big day.

Christmas Eve is our 10 year wedding anniversary. I cannot believe we have been married for 1o years. It seems like not so long ago... I remember it all clearly!!!

Lucky for us, Christmas is on a weekend, so Paul is home. He flies in from the mines on Christmas Eve, so we can have a nice dinner together at home before an early night.

So off for more school holiday fun.. lucky that Jasper is young enough that a trip to the park is a fun day out for him, and a fun and cheap day for me! The weather has been nice, so some beach time is in order.

Thanks for reading. Christmas pics next time!
