Lots has happened, and there is a lot to still come!!
Jasper has finished his first term of Year One, and just this week started Term 2. He likes it so far, although there was a debacle this morning with the shoes and socks for winter uniform... It seems crazy they are in winter uniform already, but it is policy, and the shirts are short sleeved, so not so bad without the pullover.
In the 2 week vacation to Easter, Jasper had his bone marrow biopsy - just the annual one... it is a major operation, but we are kind of used to it now. It was the best one ever (if that is possible). He woke up out of the anaesthetic really well, and we were discharged by 1pm... normally we are still waiting for him to wake up at that point!!! There was no real pain, and minimal bruising. It was strange - good strange!
So far, all results we have are positive and good... just like we expect from Jasper - he is a trooper!
We have also had 2 teeth come out and be whisked away by the tooth fairy! It is all very exciting! They fell out within 4 weeks of each other, and there is already one adult tooth coming through!! Our baby is growing up fast!
Speaking of babies... I am still pregnant. 2 weeks to go til my due date, so we just hope that Paul is home when she decides to arrive.
Jasper is excited to have his sister arrive... we will see if that enthusiasm remains after she actually comes!!
Everything that can be ready, is ready.. we just need a baby!!
I can't upload any pics of my baby bump.. the card reader is not working, but here is Jasper with his tooth gap!!
Ok, I guess that will be it til the baby comes..
thanks for reading.