Saturday, May 22, 2010

The Baby is Here

I keep forgetting to update.. oops.

Jasper became a big brother on Tuesday 4th May at 1:51am. He was sleeping peacefully at my parents while Paul and I were at the hospital welcoming little Molly Ann into our family.
She weighed 6lb 9oz and is a delight.
The sleep deprivation is not the best, but that is why they make babies cute, right?? When you look at their perfect little faces, you can almost forget the exhaustion!!! (I said ALMOST!).

Paul was due to fly out on the day Molly was born, but obviously that did not happen. He was home for 2 weeks, which was really nice.

The labour was suprising and FAST. The midwife said on the Monday that they would book us in to be induced on the 12th May as I was nowhere near ready - my body was hanging onto that baby!!!
Hey presto, 24 hours later she was here!!! The labour was 3.5 hours and we only just made it to the hospital in time!!
They got a bag full of the cord blood and are currently testing it to see if it is a HLA match for Jasper. We wont know for a little while, but we will know at some point!!

Molly did not sleep for the first 4 days, and now she is almost 3 weeks old, we have some really good days and nights, and some not so good!! It will all happen in time, and on those bad days, I tell myself that it does not last forever.

Here are Paul and I with Molly, just an hour old.

Ok, so she slept a LITTLE bit in the first few days, just not a lot, or enough for Paul and I to get any! But see what I mean? Totally heart melting cute... and identical to Jasper when he was born!

Me with my babies

Japser is a very protective big brother, and never seems to stop kissing and cuddling his baby sister. He was a bit wary when he first got to the hospital, but was ok once he was with me and could hold her!!! This photo makes me smile. He looks so proud and is holding her all by himself. She was only about 15 hours old at this point!

Molly likes to have her hands free, and not be swaddled when she sleeps... she is truly a Camp Sunshine baby... we do a dance thing at Camp to the song "Hand's Up", so it is cute how she sleeps! (she is our Made In America baby!)

I have a million photos, but these will do for now...
thanks for reading.
Jasper is playing, and Molly is just waking up for ANOTHER feed!!!
Better go.
