Come nap time, only momma will do, and she HAS to have her bun-bun and doe-doe.. (cuddly bunny and pacifier).
Heaven forbid we have the WRONG bun-buns (there are 3 she must sleep with).
Here is an example:
This is Molly as soon as she wakes up from her daytime nap. She wakes up happy. Always. (she saw the camera and said "cheese"),
There is one bunny over her chest, and one by each hand.
She was happy to let go of her bun-bun's for a photo opportunity.
The one on the right is one of the originals, made by a friend of mine. It IS yellow, and she calls it "blue-one". Don't know why. She just does.
The one in the middle has a multi-coloured body and a pink head. It is called "rainbow". The pink one is just called "pink-one".
She loves them all, but "blue-one" is her favourite.
Pauls' grandmother made the pink and rainbow ones, and I have a few more in the cupboard that I interchange when I can so the gross smell can permeate all of them. This way I figure she wont reject a new one if it smells more like the old ones...
Here is the other MUST in our sleep monster routine - the pacifier on a chain. She calls it "doe-doe". With this she is not fussy. It can be any pacifier. As long as it plugs her mouth up, she is happy!!
It can become a problem that she wont let anyone else put her down for a nap, or at night time, just me.Only me.
But it could be worse... she could just NOT sleep, so I have to be grateful for the perfect baby I got.
And, to tell you the truth... she is so stinkin' cute, I don't mind one little bit that she wants her last snuggle before bed to be from me... even if I have to come home from something, just to put her to bed!
Sweet dreams...