Tuesday, February 5, 2013

No Excuses... Your Ears Work!

Jasper has been going to the ENT department for a few years now (Ear, Nose and Throat). It was initially detected that he had some mild hearing loss in one ear (his right), and they wanted to check him regularly to make sure it didn't worsen.

It has always been a thing for me to push at school, so he sits at the front of the class. He is easily distracted, has trouble filtering out background noises, and struggles to hear lower male tones.

Well, what a little sneak the lad is....

He had another hearing test on Monday... His hearing is now considered "PERFECT" and his ears - while he has super narrow canals - they are very clear.

I'm thinking it has become a habit borne from ignorance!

He was hearing noises that weren't there on the test, but she didn't seem concerned about that.

I don't like to use the word "normal", as I always ask "what does NORMAL actually look like?", but from a medical perspective, Jasper now has "normal" hearing!

It wont stop me pushing with his teacher to make sure he is always near the front... the lad is too easily distracted!!!

We are back to school now after the Christmas break... I never really like sending him back. It makes me sad... I miss him - even if I want to wring his neck some days, I love having him close by.

He has a lovely teacher, and some good friends in his class, so I'm hoping he has a great year, and continues to improve a LOT!!

Here is my handsome boy.. New blinding shoes and socks! (big footed boy... I'm hoping that means he will shoot up tall!!)

Never one to miss out on getting her face in a photo... here is Molly with her big brother..

Molly was totally lost on Monday, constantly asking "where Jasper? At school?" She was happy when 2.45pm came and he was back with us!!

Here's to a great 2013 in 4th grade, and my last year having Molly at home... can you believe she has to start school next year, at 3 1/2??? Maddness!

Thanks for reading.

