Tuesday, November 11, 2014

it's been a while...

I haven't even looked at what my last post was about, I just know it has been an age!
If I rely on my memory to take me back, I would miss a lot.

Basically, it has all been quiet on the Jasper medical front (boring and quiet for the most part, just the way we like it), and it has been more about little Molly.

Our littlest bug has had her tonsils out in June, turned 4 in May with her first birthday party, and fractured her collar bone on Sunday (November 9th). All in all, she goes hard!

Here are some pics relating to her latest "incident".

Ok, so she fell off the hammock... loser mum for not watching... she has been on it 100 times, but always with her daddy or mummy helping... On Sunday, she decided to do it herself without telling anyone... lesson learnt, hey little bug?

On our way to the hospital, 5 hour after the "incident"

being scared, waiting for the doctor... 

home with a sling

evidence of the fracture

sore, but still with an appetite!

 sleeping beauty with a smooshed face and a sling

48 hours later, no pain meds, and coloring!

She bounces back quick - I just wish she bounced off the bricks instead of cracking a bone!!!
Just as a precaution, we have decided to take her out of school for the week, so she can rest and not be surrounded by 4 & 5 year olds knocking her about!
She is a tough cookie, and doing great!

Oh! Halloween!!
Jasper had a school disco the night before Halloween, and went like this:
I wish I could take credit for it, but I am not at all artistic or creative! He looked amazing! The photo doesn't do it justice!
 Molly had a Halloween party at a friend's the same night...

Then for trick-or-treat on Halloween itself, the costumes went something like this...

Looking back through my photos, there is a lot to report on, but by the same token, it is mundane stuff and seems irrelevant now!

I used to update on FaceBook a LOT, but have stopped the last few months.. I just think I got over it! Fingers crossed, I update here more often!
(I've said that before, right!?)

Ok, bye. thanks for reading.
