Thursday, September 17, 2015

September Blood Counts

My boy is growing like a weed!!!
We (being NOT me) had our quarterly trip to the vampires for blood counts, and they were good still!!
While I'd like to see them better, I know they are amazingly good for a FA kid, and we live to fight another day.

Height in May was 138.5cm and he is now 141.2cm = growth of 2.7cm in just over 4 months.
Weight in May was 31.3kg and he is now 32.0kg. Not much of a gain, but it is a gain!

Blood counts don't vary much -
Haemoglobin in January was 130, and yesterday was 129.
White Cell Count in Jan was 4.30, and yesterday was 5.40.
MCV in January was 106 and yesterday was 105 (this one I want to go DOWN to about 85, please..)
Neutrophils were (Jan)1.55, and yesterday showed a jump to 2.56.
Platelets were my not so nice one, but it's still a good number!
In January they were 137, and they were sitting at 121 yesterday. It's a drop, but nothing dramatic, and our haematologist was super happy to see the numbers holding so well.

There are some liver function results, but I need to research what they all mean before I can post them. Jasper has always had a funky liver.. the numbers have never been "right", and they have drained a lot of blood from him trying to figure out what the go is - then when they did that, all his counts were coming back into normal range for the first time in his life! These ones are a little off, so I will be doing some research.
I don't have a new cholesterol result for him yet, but I will make sure we get that done when he has bloods done just before Christmas.

There's a lot more to report, but not today ;)

Thanks for reading.