Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Pirate Tooth Jasper

I must start by telling you what a brave boy we have. He is such a trooper. He had dental surgery earlier this month.

One of his molars had been causing him trouble for the longest time, so we went (ages ago) to the dental department at our Children's Hopsital.

For those that are not aware, we have dental for our kids as part of primary school care... we had been to see the dentist there, but they are all too keen to take thousands of x-rays and are not really after what is best for the patient, but what they can do to earn their federal funding (well, that is my opinion..). As Jasper has everything done through PMH (the childrens hospital), we got a referral from the oncology dept to the dental dept.

FINALLY we got the appointment, and were told that they would rather administer a general anaesthetic and have a look at everything... that took months, and finally it was time...

It was a very long day, getting to the hospital at 10am, into surgery at 1:15pm, not out of surgery til 4:10pm, then leaving the hospital at 7:30pm, and home at 8:30pm.

I was a bit stressed at how long it took, but apparently nearly 3 hours is normal for dental!

The end result is that one of his molars now has a crown on it. He is pretty excited about it, as it is his pirate tooth!
There was some pain in the gum for a few days, but all is good now.

We had to go back to the hospital the next day for an endocronology appointment. We are now in the system with Endo, so they will track his growth as we go along and make sure he tracks on course!
So far, he is just on the lower 3rd percentile, as he always has been, and as long as he keeps tracking on the chart the right way, we have no need to worry.
Sad news is that if he did not have FA, he would have been about 187cm tall... no chance of that with FA, he is a shorty, and always will be!!

We are getting full winter weather here at the moment.. cold days and freezing nights with rain, rain and more rain.
Only 4 more weeks of it, and we will be back on our way to America and Camp Sunshine.. more of that in another post!

Thanks for reading.



Charisse said...

Hi Brooke,
sorry I haven't gotten back to your message on FB. I will do so....just taking me a while.

Yes, I always used to go to the dental department at the women's and children's here. I am glad Jasper got in.

Wow, a pirate tooth! Hehe....good on ya, Jasper. You are very brave.

If I remember, Brooke, Blanche Alter always shows pictures of a very tall FA male at camp. So there is some chance that you can be tall :-)

Love ya heaps and have a good time at camp sunshine :-)
Love Charisse

Meg said...

Hi Jasper!

I am so glad to hear you are coming back to Camp Sunshine! I cannot wait to see you and your family again!

Meghan Sullivan