Saturday, June 26, 2010

Baby News and Big Boy Birthday

So, we have our miracle!!
Molly was tested for FA, and her cord blood was tested to see if it was a match for Jasper.
The results are in, and she DOES NOT have Fanconi Anemia, and she is a 5/6 HLA match for Jasper.
In short, this means that if Jasper goes into bone marrow failure (which is likely with FA), we have matched cord blood from a sibling to do a transplant with!
It was almost too much! It was what we had hoped and prayed for, but when we got the answers, we were just a tad excited!!
There were plenty of tears from this momma!

Here are some photos of our baby girl, and big boy. Molly is about 7 weeks here..

She had enough of the camera, and wanted a cuddle!!!

Jasper and I managed a great escape! Molly slept one afternoon after school - normally unheard of - so we raced into his room and played superheros on his bed... here is the pile of them doing "stacks on".
We also ran around the house pretending to be birds, but as birds do not have fingers or hands, there are no photos of that one!!

Molly's favourite time of day is bath time. She just chills right out and lays there kicking happily. The tears start again when I pull her out and dry her off!

This is the result of after a bath!! Not even the bright camera flash can wake her!!!

Tomorrow is Jasper's 7th birthday. He has been waiting so long for it! We are having a family dinner out, and maybe a party in a couple of weeks - we are still debating that one!
He would love any messages for his birthday!

thanks for reading



Unknown said...

Happy 7th Birthday Jasper, wow you are getting old!!! Soon you will be in the double digits!

It sounds like everything is going wonderfully well with you guys.

Love to you all xx

Dianne said...

Happy b-day Jasper. Have a fun day!! Love, Dianne Ploetz

Teresa said...

She is just too super cute! It'll be fun to see Molly & Rhys playing together.

Anonymous said...

Hi Brooke,

I read about your story while doing some research about fanconi as my husband and I are carriers which we weren't aware of until our first first ultrasound showed our baby was quite severly disfigured. Unfortunately we didn't get to keep that little one but we are pregnant again through IVF and are hopeful this time. We are currently in the process of waiting for our results and I was wondering if you could answera few questions for me about when you were pregnant with Jasper?
I was just wondering if he was measuring normally up until a certain point in the pregnancy?
The waiting is incredibly difficult and I want some hope to hold on to.

Thanks for your help.


JAMAMUM said...

Hi Kylie,
I'm more than happy to answer any questions you have. My email is
Your email didn't show here, so I hope you can message me and I can let you know our journey.

Anonymous said...
