Jasper is a boy scout, and they had a snake night a few weeks *maybe months* ago. He was terrified of the snakes, but said he would touch one, but not hold it... when the snake handler came around, Jasper said he would touch, and I said "just put it on his shoulder, that's touching!". He was so proud of himself!
Molly had her first play in a play gym called Wild Kidz. There is a special baby area that is gated, and the rest of the area is a free for all play area for big kids. She had a BLAST and loved it. When she was on the bouncy castle, her brother and his mate came and jumped all over to make her bounce! She looks like she is trying to escape from Jasper's bouncing, but she was having a LOT of fun!! Jasper also LOVES playing with the baby toys... thought this shot of him caught out would be another one to add to his 21st birthday collection of embarrassing photos!!
Molly has totally electric hair. It is just standing on end all the time. I brush it down, and as soon as it dries, it is straight back to standing on end. It is just part of her charm! Here is a snap of her with her hair brushed flat... she was not too happy with it!!
This one below is what happens when Molly is left to her own devices in Jasper's bedroom while I help him with his homework... tissues apparently are much better when OUT of the box! I had to grab the camera, and when I called her name, this is the guilty look I got!
Our princess is ONE!! Can you believe it?~ I can't. It still feels like yesterday that Paul was driving me to the hospital in labour telling me I was not breathing the right way... but it HAS been a year, and it has gone by super quick. Here we are at her birthday dinner. My parents came over for dinner. Molly was too tired to stay up to eat cake, but it was DELICIOUS
this second shot is Molly looking at the phone when her daddy called to wish her happy birthday. She had only just woken up, and was a bit confused as to where daddy was - she could hear him, but could not see him!
It is a tradition that my dad does with "wetting the baby's head". She was not sure what was going on, and unsure why she got wet hair, but the tradition continues!!
Molly got to have ANOTHER birthday when daddy got home from work, just 2 days after her actual birthday.
We saved the big presents for then, and of course, Jasper HAD to help open them all!
Jasper had his sports carnival at the end of Term One. He is in blue faction. Taylor it is called. He got a 2nd place ribbon for the 70m sprint. Molly and I had a lovely afternoon in the sunshine!
The blue on his forhead was from the blue hairspray that looked awesome in the morning as a mowhawk, but after recess and the hat going on, it all went a bit pear shaped!!
Jasper just had his annual biopsy yesterday. It was a long time in coming with 3 reschedules in total, but it was the best one yet. He woke up really quickly and was eating. We were out in record time!!
As a suprise, I bought him a Mania Magazine. It is one he has wanted for ages, mainly for the boggle eye glasses that came with it! He had them on in the waiting room, then in the ward, then when he was wheeled into theatre!! Lucky they did the right operation, and did not try to fix his eyes!!
Within 30minutes of waking up, he was watching cartoons and demanding his icypole.
Driving to my folks to pick Molly up, I said "Jas, are you ok babe?" there was no answer, so I glanced back and saw this...
I think it warranted a photo (I stopped the car at a red light before snapping!) He was back at school the next day (today), and I only had to write a note to excuse him from sport. He said he wanted to do it, and was playing Octopus when I went to pick him up!! Back to normal!!
His blood counts are not so crash hot. His platelets dropped from 164 to 120. Normal range is 150 - 400. Now I know that 120 is a REALLY good number for a FA kid, but it is really low for Jasper. I think they are the lowest they have been, and it is a drop of 25%. His doctor was not too worried, but I am a natural born worrier... so I have emailed her today to get more bloods done in 3 months, rather than waiting the 6 month. I would rather know if we are starting steady decline sooner rather than later.
All in all, we have had a great start to 2011. We are off to America again in June, so it will be fantastic to see all our FAmily again, and celebrate Jasper's 8th birthday, and Paul's "21st" birthday at Camp Sunshine!!
Oh, here are my babies at Easter... 5am was NOT a good time to go egg hunting~
1 comment:
Lets see if I can remember everything to comment on it! hehe...you need to update more, woman!
Happy Birthday to Molly! Loved seeing the pics of Jasper playing with baby toys...hehe. And how brave about the snake. Wow! I don't know if I could do that. Love Molly's hair. Too cute! The pic with you and the two of them was great. You friend, who doesn't like her pic taken is crazy because she's so pretty! Glad the biopsy itself went well. Emma seems to do better the older she gets too, well, except for the IV - they seem to be getting worse at getting her IV in! But she wakes up better.
Sorry about the decline in the blood counts. In case it helps AT ALL, I've seen some ranges state that the normal bottom number is 130. So 120 isn't too far from that. But, being a fellow FA mom, I know that means very little. You're not concerned so much over the actual number as much as the fact that it is dropping and is officially abnormally low now - proof that FA is for real in your baby. That is very hard to handle. I remember when Emma dropped to 126, I was devastated. It was happening! She was really declining in her counts. Then when she got down to 90, another FA mom told me how great 90 was. It frustrated me because it WASN'T great. It was a sign that her body is failing. How is that great. Granted, I would love her platelets to be at 90 now, but it's hard. I'm probably going on too much about this. Just sending big hugs. You're not over worrying. You're being normal. It's terrifying watching FA do it's thing. I hope and pray that next time his platelets are higher and that this was some rare type of fluke. Email if you need to talk about it (or anything else). FA is a hard life...rewarding in ways...but very hard.
Loved the update and pics. I better go take care of my crazy kids. I'm pretty sure I hear some explosions as toys are being shot across the house;-)
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