ok, so I have never claimed to be mother of the year... I now have photographic evidence to support my lack of desire to claim the above mentioned title...
Here are my 2 angel babies... Jasper has a mouth guard in, hence the orange smile! (he is wearing it, because he just is.)
Molly eating... pulling faces.. I am going to regret encouraging this, I just know it.. evil face, still cute as a button!
Yes, I let my son go out in public dressed like this. A too big shirt, short shorts, and boots... you are just lucky I made him change out of his knee high burgundy footy socks. (he looks so unimpressed because he did not want his photo taken.. I told him I wanted him to see how awesome he looked, and I would delete it straight away... oops. bad mommy).
Molly in her favourite state - naked. she goes into where there are strawberries growing. There are currently no ripe strawberries, as Miss Molly picks them green and eats them... she says they are "yum". I let her go for it!
I don't let him do this for long... just a few minutes.. he asks me to say "ding", then he rolls over and cooks the other side - just like the turkey he is!
(and, no, we don't have a proper pool. He either has been in the spa, or in the little splash pool.
Unusual shot of Molly, outside with clothes on... Jasper had a friend over, so she had swimmers on for most of the time. I just think she looks crazy! (I really MUST do something about that hair of hers!!!)
And here is the friend Jasper had over... He was born the day before Jasper.. The size difference is quite incredible! Liam has pulled himself up a bit, but it didn't add that much to his height!!
It's New Years Eve today. As usual, I will be in bed by 9pm, and wake up with the kids and birds at 5.30am.
2012 will see us... well, who knows where! There is a $31million lottery draw tonight, and we have a ticket... we could be living the high life!!
What? Some one has to win... why can't it be us???