Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Eye Confusion

So, today Jasper had his ophthalmology appointment.. I have previously mentioned that one if the teachers at school noticed something was up with jaspers eyes.. I took him to a local optician who did a few tests and said that Jasper was long sighted. He said he would give me a referral to our Children's hospital, as that is what I requested.. I wanted further tests where we get all our stuff done.
So, today was the day. They got him to read some letters, put some drops in his eyes to dilate his pupils and just had a look with a light, and measured things to do with his eyeballs...
At the end of the 2 hours, the guy tells me that his vision is fine, but he has excess skin in his eyelids and we should see a surgeon to get this skin removed.
I explained what the optician we had already seen had said, and he just dismissed it.
Jasper does complain that his eyes get blurry, and he sees double sometimes.
I am SO confused. Who do I believe? My local optician man, or someone who is meant to be an expert in his field?
I was not comfortable with today's outcome.
Don't get me wrong, I would love for there to be nothing wrong with jaspers eyes, and i can hope that is right.. But I just was not convinced today.
Maybe we get a third opinion??
I think, at the heart of it, I wanted an easy answer.. Just for once.. Someone to say "yes, this is what is wrong, and this is how we fix it.. Done" is that too much to ask?
Well, apparently, today it was too much.
Opinions are welcome, as is advice..
Paul and i have much to discuss!!!

Meanwhile, 5 1/2 hours later, Jasper's pupils are still so dilated, he looks like a vampire!! At least the blurry vision from the drops has cleared!!

Thanks for reading.


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