Thursday, March 22, 2012

Decisions, decisions

I've finally had the phone call to say the magazine article on Jasper, Fanconi Anaemia and the cord blood issues we faced here in Australia is being printed in April this year.
It has been a while since the initial interview, but we are finally going to print.

Jasper is excited about being famous AGAIN!

I am feeling reflective. Why?

Well, I need to send in photos... I have been asked for photos from when Jasper was born, all the way through to present day. Including photos of us at Camp Sunshine.
Looking through all these memories is stirring up all these strange feelings.. It is hard to describe.

Not all of the photos are good (a lot of them are quite average), but each one holds a wonderful memory for me, and makes me smile.
I know that I will send about 50 photos in for the magazine to choose, and they will only pick a few, but the trip down memory lane has had some tears flowing.
Tears of joy. Tears of pride.
Tears of a childhood passing by too quickly.
Pre diagnosis photos when life was "normal" and photos post diagnosis, where life is appreciated a bit more than it used to be.

Just thought I'd share some of my moments here. (and cry again!!).

This was our first year at Camp Sunshine (so, 2007). He was so little!!
 Still in 2007, with a great friend of ours, John Hanna. John had FA and recently passed away. He was an awesome man, and we think of him often. Our FAmily will always remember this champion.
 Awww. Jasper was only 3 months old here. He is being held by my dad (poppie), and his dad (my poppa). Poppa passed away not long after this was taken, and it was the only time the 2 met each other.
 Cheeky bum in the bath 2006.. Just love that cute face!!
 In 2008 we had some FA keychains (australian ones) to sell for fundraising.. this is one of the promotional pictures.
 Xmas 2005 - cool dude hanging out on some of the play equiptment Santa provided!

I could go on and on... publish a million photos here, but I wont...
He was such a cute bub, and a very handsome young man!!
I will be posting once the magazine comes out, and show what pictures they chose!

Thanks for reading.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

love tocum in his ass