Sunday, May 20, 2012

"I'm two, and I know it"

Mandatory opening of presents in PJ's with feral hair.

Pretty as a picture

eat cake!!!

 who loves their brother? 

 mmmmm cake!!!
 what happens when mummy leaves me at the gym creche for an hour (this is my sad/angry face)
 "I'm a big girl now!" (well, not really, but we pretend - this is more of a novelty at the moment!!!)

 So, Molly is now officially in the Terrible Two stage... she has a lovely temper - NOT!
All in all, she is still a delightful little lady. She is growing up way too fast for my liking.
 Next, the big boy turns 9!! Wowzers!

Thanks for reading.



Teresa said...

Happy (late) birthday to her!! She's just sooooo stinkin' cute!!

Anonymous said...

let me lick the pee from your p u ssy