Monday, July 16, 2012

Quarterly Blood Results

I hate blood test day...
I hate the days leading up to it.
I really hope I am going to get awesome results.
I seem to come away with something flavored with bitterness and disappointment..

April 2012 was our last blood counts. Now it is July... time to go again.

Jasper doesn't cry. Doesn't get nervous, anxious or worried.
If it was a vein drain, he would scream the place down, but a little thumb prick, and he is OK.

I am torn between relief that he is calm, and a desperate sadness that he is so used to blood draws.It is just part of what happens in the school holidays for him.

Here he is waiting in the chair for the needle...
 Holding his blood afterwards (they only need a tiny bit, and he is a good bleeder)
 Getting weighed (he looks slightly crazy here!)
 Getting measured.. Sister Lee refused to get in the pics here... so I go her arm instead!

Molly came with us this time, and I weighed and measured her the same way as Jasper... Just imagine a cute little blonde girl with piggy tails, instead of this handsome young man!

Let me tell you Molly's results first...
She is 12.80kg (or 28.21 lb)
Height is 90.8cm (or 2ft 11 3/4inches) - very close to 3 feet tall!!!

She is tall and skinny (although to pick her up, you wouldn't really know it!!)

Jasper's results...
Height 124.4cm - up from 123.7 3 months ago.
Weight 21.35kg - only up by 0.05kg from 3 months ago.

I will put his blood counts now:

Haemoglobin - 125 (was 130) (Normal range is 115-155)
White Cells    - 4.10 (was 4.3) (normal range is 4.5-14.50)
Platelets        - 105 (was 115) (normal range is 150 - 400)
Red Cells      - 3.46 (was 3.6) (normal range is 4.00 - 6.00)
MCV            - 103 (was 103) (normal range is 75 - 92)
Neutrophils  - 0.94 (was 1.27) (normal range is 1.50 - 8.00)
Lymphocytes - 2.67 (was 2.51) (normal range is 1.50 - 7.00)

To any doctor / medical person / FA parent, these counts are really good and awesome, and you would be happy to have them!

I am not a doctor / medical person or any FA parent.
I am Jasper Alan Miles' mum.
I track his blood counts at EVERY blood test.
I have the charts and graphs to prove it.
I see the trends of these counts.
I see the pattern.
It scares me.
I am not in full panic... as I said, for any other FA kid, the counts are good!!
I am allowed to worry.
I am allowed.
Because I am the mum. I am Jasper's mum. It's my job!!!

Thanks for reading.


1 comment:

Teresa said...

:-( Sorry there's some decline there. You have every right to worry! He has FA, you know the decline is bound to happen. So it's very stressful to see it, even in "good" FA numbers. I did the same back in the day. It was kind of funny because I felt like since her counts were still pretty okay, why was I feeling freaked out. I think it's because now you are seeing visual proof that FA is affecting his blood.

Why am I going on about this?! (((hugs))) Let me know if you ever need to talk or vent. FA sucks.

And that's so awesome he got a finger poke. We like those. But we hardly ever get them.