These are a long time favorite for Jasper, and since neither of my kids are huge sandwich fans, Molly is loving them too.
Here is an example:
some pita bread, strawberries, olives, pickles, roast pork from the night before, cheese... Basically bits of whatever I have in the fridge or cupboard to put on a plate.
I had a pita bread with chilli sauce and pork on it.. Molly saw the sauce, and demanded some of her own. I gave her some tomato sauce, interested to see what she was going to do...
Well, of course. You would get your strawberry and dip it in the tomato sauce.
What next, I hear you ask?
Oh, why yes. You would eat it.
(repeat and then insert olives in place of strawberries...)
When I asked Molly what it tasted like, she said "mmmm, deliciouso" as she proceeded to pick up the beat up old bowl and LICK IT CLEAN!!!
Let's just make one thing VERY clear.
Thanks for reading!
1 comment: are so weird. That doesn't sound very deliciouso! :-) But it does sound very creative. My kids like snack plates like that too. I haven't met many others who do them! Usually I do snack bowls - several bowls, each with their own food. Then the kids all eat out of all of them. Molly is very funny:-)
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