Thursday, January 8, 2015

Blood Count January 2015

Today was the long awaited blood counts for Jasper.
We dropped Molly at my parents, and off we went.

First port of call was the vampires... Jasper (as I have posted before) refuses to let them near a vein, so they just do a thumb prick and squeeze the blood out that way.

It was all good, he had his favourite lady, Barbara.
Problem was he wouldn't let his blood down. She got some, then it stopped. She jabbed him again, and tried to get some more... we kept fingers crossed it was enough, got something to drink and went to await results...

One of the main nurses, Sister Lee, saw us after about 30 minutes and said the blood clotted too quick as it was too thick, and they had to go again with a blood test... this time from a vein.
This does NOT happen. He was NOT happy.
I explained that if he kept hydrated, he would be fine, but he does not drink enough water, so his blood is slow and gluggy.

Lucky Barbara was still there, and we requested her do the bloods... some tears (just from Jasper this time, not me!). Blood was taken, results are in.. it is GOOD news!

Height 136.7cm - approx 4ft 5in  (up from 132.5cm 11 months ago)
Weight 28.55kg - approx 61lb  13oz (up from 25.65 11 months ago)

Haemoglobin - 130 (was 127 prev, so no change)
White Blood Cells - 4.30 (was 3.7, so slight increase)
Platelet - 137 ( was 131 prev, so no change)
Neutrophils - 1.55 (was 1.06, so a good increase, and finally in the normal range)
Mean Cell Volume - 106 (was 104 - this shows the stress of the marrow, so an increase is not good).

Over all, not much change, but no change is better than a decrease!
Although the results are not an increase as such, they are all (apart from the MCV) fractionally nudged in the right direction, so we are happy - and Jasper is drinking lots of water now, so he can avoid vein needles next time!!

Nothing else to report! Starting on a high note, and finishing on a high note, with no photos inbetween!


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