Monday, October 4, 2010

Jaspers Latest Blood Results (and general family update)

When I say it will be a family update, that really means a Molly/Jasper update!!!

So, first and foremost, Jasper lost his 4th tooth!!! now ne is a goofy-gap kid and lisps when he talks!! We were at the beach, and it had been bleeding a few days previouly (and with my total fear of blood, it was a delight to behold!!). jasper was eating some watermelon, and his tooth started to bleed again... my friend told him to just pull it, so he goes "ok" and out it comes!! I was REALLY struggling to not throw my lunch up everywhere... there was a little bit of blood... gross. there are some photos below of his gap... it is HUGE!!!

So now, we are missing the bottom 2 and the top 2. The bottom 2 have the adult teeth coming in, but the top is empty!!

Here is a photo of Jasper and his Molly at the beach (Molly's first time!). The first photo is Molly at home getting ready! She is such a cutie, and a sweet little thing. The only thing missing from her world is a trip to Camp Sunshine!!!

Here are the kids... Jasper is splashing Molly... the water was freezing cold!!!

Here's Goofy!!

Paul got creative with some iron on transfers... there was another one of Molly in a "Camp Sunshine" top, but it has not uploaded for some reason?!!??!

I got lucky when I had Jasper.. he is the sweetest most caring big brother a little girl could ask for!

So, Jasper had his bi-annual blood test today. We got prior warning from the hospital that they needed more blood than normal, so we could not just have a thumb prick... it would be a vein drain (like a normal blood test). There is not a lot of control Jasper can have with Fanconi Anemia, so he gets to choose a thumb prick or a vein drain. He ALWAYS chooses a vein drain.
I am lucky that the oncology department that looks after Jasper understands his fear of blood tests, and gave me plenty of notice for the change in plans. We got the EMLA cream out, and it worked a treat! He still cried and cried, but he sobbed through his tears that he could not feel anything!!! Cheeky tyke. It is just the anticipation and the build up to it all.
So, here are the results...
Height: 114.8 cm
Weight: 17.3 kg
These are both increases, and we are happy enough with this.
WBC: 6.10 (normal is 4.5-11.0) -
These cells are the body's defense. They fight infection.
ANC: 2.50 (normal is 1.50-8.00)
This is the body's ability to fight infections.
Platelet: 163 (normal is 150 - 400)
This is the clotting ability of the blood. A bone marrow transplant or regular blood transfusions are given when platelets are at or below 20.
RBC: 3.53 (normal is 4.0-6.0)
These cells carry oxygen.
HCT: 0.35 (normal is 0.35 - 0.45)
Measures the proportion of blood volume that is occupied by RBC.
HGB: 123 (normal is 115 - 155)
This is part of the cell that carries oxygen
MCV: 99 (normal is 75 - 92)
This measures how large or small the cells are (the higher the number, the larger the cell). It also can indicate how stressed the marrow is. The higher the number, the more stressed.
So, all in all, these results are FANTASTIC and we could not be happier!!
Jasper did really well with his blood test, and got a new NERF gun as part of my bribe to get it done with the minimum of fuss.
Molly is 5 months old today... where does the time go?!?!
I am sure to update some time soon... there is probably a lot to tell, but it is school vacation, and my brain is a little bit mushed!!
Thanks for reading!