Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The Pins Come Out

Today was the day we have been waiting for... Jasper's pins were coming out of his thumb!

The dream was for the pins to come out, the splint to come off, and business to resume as usual...
Well, the pins came out....

Here is a little video of the procedure.. It was AMAZING! There is no anaesthetic, no nothing, just some big arse pliers and some wiggling.
The doctor was brilliant. He is Dr Pepsi Max... he always (and I mean ALWAYS) has a can with him... no matter the time or the day!

Jasper was a little freaked out, but I knew that if I didn't video it, he would regret it later. He has already watched it!!

So, the pins are out, Physiotherapy want to see us in 2 weeks... the splint comes off then.

We can take all plasters off the thumb in a day or so, and leave them off if the holes in the end are healed and look good.

After 2 weeks, the splint is off, all coverings are long gone, but Jasper is still banned from all "balls and wheels" for 6 extra weeks - so 8 weeks from today.

Goodbye football season... Jasper is not too happy, but there is always next year!!!

Here are some more photos of the pin coming out....

They were pretty long!!!
Hope it didn't gross you out too much!!

Thanks for reading.
