Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Back to School

School is back! 2015 sees Jasper in his last year of primary school, and Molly in her first year of full time schooling.

It is a big mixing pot of emotions for this momma..
I miss my kids when they are at school, but watching them grow and learn is amazing too! I have high hopes for this year!

We went shopping for new back to school things... lunch boxes, shoes etc.. My mummy came along for some company and decided to buy the kids their school shoes.
The philosophy of the school is they are an active school, so wear active shoes... 
exhibt A:
put your sunglasses on ;) 

 My little pumpkin all ready!
 My handsome man. Edging in on 12 years of age, and a wonder of hormones and attitude!
 He was not happy having a photo with his sister!
 Please don't mind Norman the dog in the background... taking care of business - oops...
 Jasper could not get away from us fast enough at the gate. I walked him to his classroom, but he was not wanting any mum time, so I left him to it!
Molly was happy to have mummy and daddy both there, and to do play-doh too! Woohoo!
 Look mum, I can go to the big girl toilets and wash my hands!

Day 2 is now complete, and both kids are happy.
Molly is tired, big days, and lots of learning, so early to bed.
Jasper just carries on like usual. Not much phases him at the moment!

Thanks for reading.


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