Friday, April 20, 2012

Biopsy 2012

This was the sight that greeted Jasper and I as we drove to the hospital yesterday morning for his annual biopsy...
(I did not take this photo, just googled what we saw and where, and this came up!)
A double rainbow over the ocean.
Good sign right?

Our appointment was for 8am, which normally means - get there for 8am, have weight, height and bloods done, wait til about 9.30am, go up to surgery, get knocked out (Jasper), eat (me), get back together once surgery is done, and then eat (Jasper), flu shot and cannula removed, wait 15 minutes due to flu vaccine and then go home.

Simple, right?


This year, we were third on the surgery list... THIRD. Jasper and I had not eaten since the night before (well, I shoveled a few spoons of yoghurt in the morning, but it was definitely NOT enough to be classed as breakfast (plus I was nervous, so felt too sick to eat too much)).

At about 9.30 I asked our nurse how much longer til we went up, because Jasper wanted to get the PS3 to play on, and I figured we would be heading up to surgery at any minute, so it wasn't worth the time.
That's when she said we were third... You can IMAGINE my delight.

Other people in the day surgery room were bringing in food - and HOT, SMELLING FOOD. It was torture.
What do you say to an 8 1/2 year old telling you he is so hungry he thinks he is going to pass out. "me too, mate. Me too."

Surgery was quick. 11.30 he was put under anesthetic, and 12.05 the phone call came that he was ready for me, and starting to wake up.

As soon as I got there, Jasper was awake. First words out of his mouth? "I'm hungry"!!

Back to the room for sushi (a deal we made that morning). Then a sausage roll. Then 2 tubs of icecream. All washed down with some blueberry juice.
Think he was full after that!

Cannula out, flu shot in (many many tears and hysteria - from Jasper... just quiet sobbing from me).

15 minute wait.

Home we go!

Now, with a biopsy, they basically  get some bone marrow from inside the bone on your hip bone (at the back). They take a sample of bone as well.(this is called a trephine).

It is not a delicate procedure.

It seems that when we have a male doctor, Jasper has a few days of pain.. when we have a lovely calm, caring, gentle female doctor, he is bouncing off the walls ready to rock and roll the next day.
We were not rocking and rolling the next day.
My poor poppet was sore this year. Darn male doctors.

Oh well, here are some of the photos Jasper let me take!

In the morning with Molly, before we left for the hospital...

Having a thumb prick (will update on blood counts when I get biopsy results)
Hanging out with BB- a special bear from a special friend, just to take to hospital (matching name tags attached to Jasper and BB!)

There are some more photos, but Jasper didn't want me to share them, so I guess I need to respect that - for now.

I will post again soon, with pictures of Molly getting her first haircut, and once I get biopsy results, I will share the latest blood counts of Jasper as well.

Thanks for reading.


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