Monday, November 14, 2011

What Does Sick Look Like?

Well, in our house, we have 2 sick kids at the moment.

Jasper is still sniffling up a storm, and now has developed a sore ear, scabby blisters on his nose, and a temperature. He is just exhausted and miserable.
Funnily enough, I don't have a photo of what sick looks like when you are Jasper, because HE IS AT SCHOOL. Did you get that?
I told him to stay home today and rest, but he pitched a fit, and since his temp came down without more medication, I let him go.
What 8 year old boy would prefer to be at school than have the day at home??? I must be about the worst un-fun mum going!!
Well, that, and they had an excursion today (that would be boring as bat shit, but, I guess to an 8 year old kid, it's as exciting as Christmas!).

Sick, when you are Molly, looks like this...

I know, right??

Well, on Saturday she got a rash all over her torso, and face. She was also sleeping miserably, and waking up upset - which is not like her at all!
I had her to the doctors on Monday morning, and she tells me it looks like viral tonsilitis, so Nurofen (ibuprofen) and lots of liquids (because my eating machine is off her food).
I also needed to get a pee sample to rule out a UTI.
That in itself was a comedy of errors and epic failures!!! We managed to get a few drops, so I hope it's enough. We are back to the doctors for Molly on Thursday for a checkup.

As for my little man, we will just monitor. I emailed his heamatologist, and she said to give the over-the-counter meds a bit of time to see what happens. The blisters on his nose, the pharmacist tells me are from the nose drops drying out the nose so much that the tissues when he has been blowing have scratched and irritated. I would post a photo of them, but he wont let me take a snap, and it is pretty yuck.. just scabby on the nostril.. ew. hope you aren't trying to eat!!

Poor kid. I get so worried about him when he is sick, now I have 2 of them AT THE SAMER TIME!!!! Kids! Gotta love them!!

Ok, thanks for reading.


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